Public Engagement
My goal is to contribute to academic thought and to affect and influence Canadian policymaking and policy implementation. I am a regular non-partisan commentator on energy and environmental policy issues, writing for print media, appearing on a variety of TV, radio, and podcasts, advising governments, and providing testimony when requested.
I've written a number of op-eds for CBC Opinion, Alberta Views, the Calgary Herald and the Hill Times, and contribute to Maclean's chart week
I've written a report assessing the BC oil and gas royalty system, arguing for major changes which led to a royalty review and reform of BC's royalty system
I've given testimony on a proposed oil and gas emissions cap to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Natural Resources, 2022
Transcript of testimony and video
Coverage in The Globe and Mail
I've given testimony on carbon pricing to the Standing Senate Committee on Energy, the Environment and Natural Resources, 2017
Transcript of testimony and video
Requested follow-up briefing note
I have appeared on numerous news broadcasts talking about carbon taxes, federal climate policy, energy markets, impact assessment, and other issues.
I have been on several podcasts and radio shows including, but not limited to, the CBC's The 180, What on Earth and West of Centre, and Afternoons with Rob Breakenridge.
I have been interviewed hundreds of times for various print media outlets on numerous public policy topics.
Policy Advising
Departmental Science Advisor, Environment and Climate Change Canada, 2023 - 2025
Visiting Scholar, Environment and Climate Change Canada, 2022 - 2023
Government of British Columbia, professional services and advice on emissions pricing, 2022 - present
Government of British Columbia, professional services and advice on the B.C royalty system, 2021 - present
Mitigation Expert Panel Member, Canadian Institute for Climate Choices, 2019 - present
Member, City of Calgary Climate Panel, 2018 - present
Member, Environmental Assessment Advisory Group, Global Affairs Canada, 2017 - present
Advisor, Federal Initiatives on Indigenous Relations, Government of Alberta, 2018
Advisor to the Energy Diversification Advisory Committee, Government of Alberta, 2017
Member, Oil Sands and Crude Oil and Liquids working groups, Alberta Royalty Review, 2015-2016