Publications By Topic
Emissions Markets and Pricing
"From Farms to Tables: Quantifying the Effect of Emissions Pricing on Canadian Food Prices" (with Trevor Tombe). 2025 (in press). Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics.
We explore how emissions pricing affect food prices in Canada, both in terms of levels and growth rates (i.e., inflation) over time. We describe federal and provincial emissions pricing policies relevant to the agriculture and food sectors and their differing design details.
We use a detailed input-output model of Canada’s economy to estimate both the direct and indirect cost increases across sectors; emissions pricing at $80 per tonne could potentially increase prices of domestically-produced food by approximately 0.8 percent on average. We also explore how exemptions and policy design can mitigate what would otherwise be larger effects; we find an average effect of approximately 0.5 percent.
"Does Emissions Pricing Hurt Affordability? Quantifying the Effects on Canadian Households" (with Trevor Tombe). IRPP. December 12, 2024.
We investigate the effect of climate policies like emissions pricing on the affordability of essentials such as food, shelter, and energy in Canada. We explore how these policies affect households differently across provinces, family types, and income levels.
We find that while there is considerable variation across households, emissions pricing has only a modest effect on price levels overall. Lump-sum rebates offset the negative effect on affordability for most households and dampen it for others. Policy design, such as output-based allocations within large-emitter systems, further dampen the effect of emissions pricing on the price of most goods and service.
"Geopolitical Implications of the EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism" (with Alaz Munzur and Katharina Koch). 2023. Chapter 9 in Changing the Paradigm of Energy Geopolitics: Security, Resources and Pathways in Light of Global Challenges, João Simões, Francisco Leandro, Eduardo Caetano de Sousa and Roopinder Oberoi, eds. Peter Lang Publishers. ISBN: 9781433191350.
We conceptualize the CBAM as an instrument of normative power whereby the EU attempts to generate policy reforms in third countries by imposing carbon tariffs and related incentives. We investigate how the draft CBAM regulation was received by public and private stakeholders in China, Russia and Turkey, the main exporters to the EU in the sectors covered by the CBAM.
Original submitted version (accepted manuscript available upon request)
"Carbon Pricing Costs for Households and the Progressivity of Revenue Recycling Options in Canada" (with Brett Dolter and Kent Fellows). 2023, Canadian Public Policy 49(1): 13-45.
We provide detailed and comprehensive estimates of potential carbon tax costs for Canadian households, by province and income quintile, and explore revenue recycling options.
Smart Prosperity Institute Clean Economy Working Paper 21-06 (June 2021 version)
“Emissions Markets and International Trade.” 2022. Invited chapter in Energy and Geostrategy, 9th Edition. Ministerio De Defensa Press, Spain.
Discusses the evolution of emissions markets and how international trade can affect domestic climate policy.
"Carbon Pricing in a Federal State: The Case of Canada." 2020. ifo DICE Report - Journal for Institutional Comparisons. 18(1): 13-19
This short paper reviews the evolution of emissions pricing policies in Canada, and the political changes that led to implementation and political retreat from emissions pricing. Electoral cycles in Canada created a policy window for coordinated and substantive policy development on emissions pricing, relying on pre-existing provincial policies as building blocks for federal policy.
"The Greenhouse Gas Emissions Coverage of Carbon Pricing Instruments for Canadian Provinces" (with Sarah Dobson and Brendan Boyd). 2019. The School of Public Policy Publications, 12 (February).
We compare provincial pricing systems (current and former) and the federal benchmark and backstop in Canada, focusing on coverage of the carbon price (types of emissions and sectors of the economy).
Working paper version (Department of Economics Working Paper 2018-07).
"Assessing Policy Support for Emissions-Intensive and Trade-Exposed Industries" (with Sarah Dobson). 2018. The School of Public Policy Publications, 11 (October).
We provide an overview of the EITE definitions and support policies in place in Canada and compare those to definitions and policies in Australia, California and the European Union. We evaluate both domestic and international EITE support policies using the metrics of administrative costs, economic efficiency, emissions reduction incentive, and equity across and within sectors.
“The Ground Rules for Effective OBAs: Principles for Addressing Carbon-Pricing Competitiveness Concerns through the Use of Output-Based Allocations” (with Sarah Dobson, G. Kent Fellows and Trevor Tombe). 2017. The School of Public Policy Publications, 10 (June).
We explain the key principles desirable in implementing output-based allocation systems to mitigate competitiveness concerns from emissions pricing.
"Who Is Getting A Carbon-Tax Rebate?" (with Sarah Dobson). 2016. The School of Public Policy Publications (Communique), 9 (June).
With its 2016 budget, the Government of Alberta laid out the basic details of the carbon tax rebate. The rebate is constructed to increase based on household size, and will decrease with income after a pre-set cutoff. The government has stated six in 10 households will be eligible for a full rebate, with an additional six per cent receiving a partial rebate. We examines the income distribution of Albertans, to determine how the rebate and income cutoffs affect different types of Alberta families. Using easily available data from Statistics Canada, we shed light on the question of who will receive a carbon-tax rebate.
"Environmental Policy and Misallocation: The Productivity Effect of Intensity Standards" (with Trevor Tombe). 2015. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 72: 137-163, July .
We compare energy taxes with intensity standards in the context of firms with market power and heterogeneous productivity in multiple industries. We find intensity standards create distortions between firms that lower productivity; taxes avoid these distortions and are therefore superior. We investigate means to mitigate the negative consequences of intensity standards.
“The Case for a Carbon Tax in Alberta” (with Sarah Dobson). 2015. The School of Public Policy Publications, 8 (November).
We review and assessing the efficacy of Alberta’s Specified Gas Emitters Regulation (SGER), the major policy instrument the used to regulate and reduce emissions in Alberta. While Alberta displayed leadership as the first jurisdiction in North America to introduce a price on carbon in 2007, SGER has been less than effective in reducing emissions. We find that SGER has only reduced emissions by a maximum of three per cent (relative to what emissions would have been in the absence of the policy) between 2007 and 2014. We discuss alternative policy approaches, and the pros and cons of each, before outlining our preferred policy, a carbon tax, and the upper bound on costs to the Alberta economy and consumers.
"The Importance of Policy Neutrality for Lowering Greenhouse Gas Emissions" (with Trevor Tombe). 2013. The School of Public Policy Publications, 6 (March).
We estimate the benefits of energy taxes relative to intensity standards in the Canadian economy. Intensity standards create distortions between firms that lower productivity; taxes avoid these distortions and are therefore superior. We investigate means to mitigate the negative consequences of intensity standards.
Climate Policy
"From Farms to Tables: Quantifying the Effect of Emissions Pricing on Canadian Food Prices" (with Trevor Tombe). 2025 (in press). Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics.
We explore how emissions pricing affect food prices in Canada, both in terms of levels and growth rates (i.e., inflation) over time. We describe federal and provincial emissions pricing policies relevant to the agriculture and food sectors and their differing design details.
We use a detailed input-output model of Canada’s economy to estimate both the direct and indirect cost increases across sectors; emissions pricing at $80 per tonne could potentially increase prices of domestically-produced food by approximately 0.8 percent on average. We also explore how exemptions and policy design can mitigate what would otherwise be larger effects; we find an average effect of approximately 0.5 percent.
"Does Emissions Pricing Hurt Affordability? Quantifying the Effects on Canadian Households" (with Trevor Tombe). IRPP. December 12, 2024.
We investigate the effect of climate policies like emissions pricing on the affordability of essentials such as food, shelter, and energy in Canada. We explore how these policies affect households differently across provinces, family types, and income levels.
We find that while there is considerable variation across households, emissions pricing has only a modest effect on price levels overall. Lump-sum rebates offset the negative effect on affordability for most households and dampen it for others. Policy design, such as output-based allocations within large-emitter systems, further dampen the effect of emissions pricing on the price of most goods and service.
"Exploring the Landscape of Canadian Climate Policy." 2024. Canadian Public Policy 50 (S1): 73-102.
Published in the 50th anniversary edition of Canadian Public Policy.
I present an overview of modern Canadian climate policy, and then propose a research agenda for future Canadian climate policy research. This potential research agenda follows three themes: effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of policy interventions, equity in climate policy, and understanding policy interactions.
I presented this work at the Canadian Economics Association Annual Meeting in Winnipeg, Manitoba on June 3, 2023. Slides from my talk.
"Geopolitical Implications of the EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism" (with Alaz Munzur and Katharina Koch). 2023. Chapter 9 in Changing the Paradigm of Energy Geopolitics: Security, Resources and Pathways in Light of Global Challenges, João Simões, Francisco Leandro, Eduardo Caetano de Sousa and Roopinder Oberoi, eds. Peter Lang Publishers. ISBN: 9781433191350.
We conceptualize the CBAM as an instrument of normative power whereby the EU attempts to generate policy reforms in third countries by imposing carbon tariffs and related incentives. We investigate how the draft CBAM regulation was received by public and private stakeholders in China, Russia and Turkey, the main exporters to the EU in the sectors covered by the CBAM.
Original submitted version (accepted manuscript available upon request)
“If It Matters, Measure It: A Review of Methane Sources and Mitigation Policy in Canada” (with Sarah Dobson and Victoria Goodday). 2023. International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics.
We review the sources of methane emissions in Canada, policies in place, and mitigation options for each source. Three primary sectors account for 96 per cent of Canada’s methane emissions: oil and gas, agriculture, and waste. In a best case scenario, direct regulatory coverage is approximately 54 per cent of methane emissions, with indirect regulatory coverage via offset markets accounting for 18 per cent. However, data gaps and policy exemptions and gaps make this measure of potential coverage an overestimate. Methane emissions management for all sectors is hindered by emissions measurement challenges.
Posted on SSRN.
September 2021 version
"Cities, Emissions and Mitigating Climate Change." 2022. Who Does What Series: The Municipal Role in Climate Policy, Institute for Municipal Finance and Governance, University of Toronto.
I discuss municipalities' emissions mitigation toolkit and implementation challenges in transportation, buildings, waste, and land-use and zoning.
"Alberta in Canada’s Net Zero Future: Seizing Opportunities While Adapting to Change" (with Chris Bataille, Sarah Dobson and Anna Kanduth). 2021. Invited chapter in Alberta’s Economic and Fiscal Future. Robert Mansell and Ken McKenzie, eds. The School of Public Policy, University of Calgary.
We explore what a net zero emissions policy means for Alberta, outlining transition pathways for Alberta along Canada’s net zero pathways, and discuss the challenges and opportunities for Alberta on each of these fronts.
"A Review of Barriers to Full-Scale Deployment of Emissions-Reduction Technologies" (with G. Kent Fellows and Victoria Goodday). 2021. The School of Public Policy Publications.
We review the regulatory, economic, financial and policy environment for cleantech in Alberta, focusing on the petroleum industry, and identify challenges and barriers faced by cleantech proponents.
Working paper version (report prepared for Emissions Reductions Alberta)
"Carbon Pricing in a Federal State: The Case of Canada." 2020. ifo DICE Report - Journal for Institutional Comparisons. 18(1), 13-19
This short paper reviews the evolution of emissions pricing policies in Canada, and the political changes that led to implementation and political retreat from emissions pricing. Electoral cycles in Canada created a policy window for coordinated and substantive policy development on emissions pricing, relying on pre-existing provincial policies as building blocks for federal policy.
"Environmental Policy Transformations and Canada at 150.” 2019. Invited chapter in Policy Transformation in Canada: Is Past Prologue?, Peter John Loewen, Carolyn Hughes Tuohy, Andrew Potter and Sophie Borwein, eds.
I describe the challenges associated with successful implementation of climate policy in Canada: policy to address climate change is a collective action problem; benefits and costs are still uncertain; meeting Canada's 2030 emissions targets will require incurring significant economic costs; the distribution of burden across provinces and territories; competitiveness impacts and carbon leakage in the absence of policy action from other countries; and Canada's relatively small contributions to global emissions.
"Environmental Policy and Misallocation: The Productivity Effect of Intensity Standards" (with Trevor Tombe). 2015. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 72: 137-163, July .
We compare energy taxes with intensity standards in the context of firms with market power and heterogeneous productivity in multiple industries. We find intensity standards create distortions between firms that lower productivity; taxes avoid these distortions and are therefore superior. We investigate means to mitigate the negative consequences of intensity standards.
"The "Green Jobs" Fantasy: Why the Economic and Environmental Reality Can Never Live Up to the Political Promise" (with Michal C. Moore). 2013. The School of Public Policy Publications, 6 (October).
Summarize the green jobs literature and various definitions. We argue it is bad policy to use "green jobs" as a measure of policy success in environmental mitigation. Instead, policy-makers and politicians should focus on energy intensity and GHG intensity of industries.
"The Importance of Policy Neutrality for Lowering Greenhouse Gas Emissions" (with Trevor Tombe). 2013. The School of Public Policy Publications, 6 (March).
We estimate the benefits of energy taxes relative to intensity standards in the Canadian economy. Intensity standards create distortions between firms that lower productivity; taxes avoid these distortions and are therefore superior. We investigate means to mitigate the negative consequences of intensity standards.
Energy Affordability
"Does Emissions Pricing Hurt Affordability? Quantifying the Effects on Canadian Households" (with Trevor Tombe). IRPP. December 12, 2024.
We investigate the effect of climate policies like emissions pricing on the affordability of essentials such as food, shelter, and energy in Canada. We explore how these policies affect households differently across provinces, family types, and income levels.
We find that while there is considerable variation across households, emissions pricing has only a modest effect on price levels overall. Lump-sum rebates offset the negative effect on affordability for most households and dampen it for others. Policy design, such as output-based allocations within large-emitter systems, further dampen the effect of emissions pricing on the price of most goods and service.
"Carbon Pricing Costs for Households and the Progressivity of Revenue Recycling Options in Canada" (with Brett Dolter and Kent Fellows). 2023, Canadian Public Policy 49(1): 13-45.
We provide detailed and comprehensive estimates of potential carbon tax costs for Canadian households, by province and income quintile, and explore revenue recycling options.
Smart Prosperity Institute Clean Economy Working Paper 21-06 (June 2021 version)
"Electricity Affordability and Equity in Canada's Energy Transition: Options for Rate Design and Electricity System Funding" (with Brett Dolter). 2022. Scoping paper, Canadian Climate Institute. (Not peer reviewed.)
Aligning Canada’s electricity systems with net zero emissions will increase electricity use and has the potential to increase households’ electricity expenditures. To inform policy discussion and actions for aligning electricity systems with net zero, we explore how net zero investments will affect electricity systems’ costs and households’ expenditures. We find that while electricity use will increase, households’ total electricity expenditures may not.
However, these changes could exacerbate pre-existing equity issues: with a status quo approach to funding electricity system investments, the resulting system is likely to increase electricity expenditures for lower-income households relatively more than higher-income households. We explore two options for mitigating this regressivity in electricity system costs: rate-design changes and tax-system funding of system investment costs. Both approaches are tools that, in different ways, can help address regressivity and electricity affordability.
"Defining and Describing Energy Poverty in British Columbia: The Distribution of Households' Energy Expenditure" (with Blake Shaffer). 2020. Report prepared for the BC Basic Income Panel. December.
We examine household energy poverty—the inability of households to afford energy services or maintain adequate living conditions—in British Columbia with several indicators from academic literature using 2017 Survey of Household Spending public-use microdata.
Energy (mainly oil and gas) Markets
“An Analysis of Industrial Policy Mechanisms to Support Commercial Deployment of Bitumen Partial Upgrading in Alberta” (with G. Kent Fellows and Alaz Munzur). 2023. Energies 16(6), 2670.
We use a stylized theoretical model of capacity investment to explore the expected effect of different policy supports on firms’ decision to invest in a partial upgrading facility integrated with an existing oil sands extraction facility. We evaluate 10 potential policy interventions and their expected effect on investment in partial upgrading.
"Production Controls in Heavy Oil and Bitumen Markets: Surplus Transfer Due to Alberta’s Curtailment Policy" (with Brandon Schaufele). 2023. Energies 16(3): 1389.
We measure the short-run economic impact of Alberta’s 2012-2020 oil curtailment policy. The curtailment policy led to an estimated increase in producer operating income of $658 million per month, while consumers, predominantly refiners in the US Midwest, lost economic benefits equal to $763 million per month.
"A Review and Assessment of the Natural Gas Royalty System in British Columbia" (with Nancy Olewiler). 2021. Report prepared for the Government of British Columbia.
We examine the current natural gas royalty system and its ability to support the core policy objectives for all resource development and use in the province. We conclude the BC royalty system for natural gas and oil is broken and it does not support and contribute to government and societal goals. We recommend a comprehensive overhaul of the system.
"An Analysis of Industrial Policy Mechanisms to Support Commercial Deployment of Bitumen Partial Upgrading in Alberta" (with G. Kent Fellows & Alaz Munzur). 2021. Report prepared for Alberta Innovates.
We use a model of capacity investment to explore the expected effect of different policy supports — such as direct equity investments or zero-cost loans — on firms’ decision to invest in a partial upgrading facility integrated with an existing oil sands extraction facility.
"Measuring the Economic Impact of Alberta’s Crude Oil Curtailment Policy" (with Brandon Schaufele). 2021. Ivey Energy Policy and Management Centre Policy Brief.
We measure the short-run economic impact of Alberta’s 2012-2020 oil curtailment policy. The curtailment policy led to an estimated increase in producer operating income of $658 million per month, while consumers, predominantly refiners in the US Midwest, lost economic benefits equal to $763 million per month.
“Forks in the Road: Energy Policies in Canada and the US since the Shale Revolution” (with J-S Rioux). 2020. American Review of Canadian Studies 50(1), 66-85.
We examine policy responses in Canada and the US to the shale revolution and changing North American oil and gas markets. We outline the effect of the shale revolution on North American oil and gas markets, and how the subsequent energy policy choices in each country changed the relationship between Canada and the US. In the US, increasing production combined with the policy imperative of maintaining energy security led to less support for Canadian supply, and the subsequent on-off-on saga of the Keystone XL pipeline. In Canada, growing concern about the balance between the environment and the economy led to stalled pipeline development and reform of regulatory systems, problems exacerbated by the new policy direction in the US.
"Enabling Partial Upgrading in Alberta: A Review of the Regulatory Framework and Opportunities for Improvement" (with G. Kent Fellows and Victoria Goodday). 2019. The School of Public Policy Publications, 12 (December).
We examine regulation in Alberta's petrochemical and oil and gas industries, in order to identify any potential regulatory gaps associated with partial upgrading of bitumen, a new technology.
“Canada’s Role in Global Energy Markets.” 2019. Invited chapter in Energy and Geostrategy, 6th Edition.
Increasing use of hydraulic fracturing and the subsequent rise of shale and tight oil and natural gas production has transformed North American energy markets. These changes have been particularly disruptive for Canada, as the United States is its primary export market and these changes have disrupted historical trade flows. Compounding the effects of market changes are a set of energy and environmental policy changes enacted by federal and provincial governments in Canada, as well as rising domestic opposition to energy development. This chapter explores the effects of these changes on Canadian oil and gas markets and production, and describes the impact on Canada’s role in global energy markets.
"The Potential for Canadian LNG Exports to Europe" (with Sarah Dobson, G. Kent Fellows, Dexter Lam and Paul Craig). 2018. The School of Public Policy Publications, 11 (July).
We explore market potential in Europe for East Coast Canadian liquefied natural gas (LNG) projects, and assess the competitiveness of those projects relative to U.S. East Coast projects. As a slower-moving and higher-cost jurisdiction, Canada will face challenges entering this market. However, European desire for alternative suppliers may be sufficient to support Canadian projects.
"Public-Interest Benefit Evaluation of Partial-Upgrading Technology" (with G. Kent Fellows, Robert Mansell and Ron Schlenker). 2017. The School of Public Policy Publications, 10 (January).
Approximately 60 per cent of Alberta’s oil sands production is non-upgraded bitumen which, after being mixed with a diluting agent (diluent) to allow transport, is exported. A popular view within Alberta — and particularly among Albertan politicians — is that a much larger share of oil sands bitumen should be upgraded in the province. We evaluate the potential of partial-upgrading technology from a private and social perspective for Alberta. Based on a model of a single 100,000-barrel-a-day partial upgrader, the value uplift could be $10 to $15 per bitumen barrel.
"An Overview of Global Liquefied Natural Gas Markets and Implications for Canada" (with Sarah Dobson, G. Kent Fellows, Dexter Lam and Paul Craig). 2018. The School of Public Policy Publications (Briefing Paper), 11 (July).
We review the current state of global liquefied natural gas (LNG) markets and the potential role for Canada. A second wave of new LNG capacity is likely needed by the mid-2020s, creating an opportunity for Canadian projects to move forward.
“Risky Business: The Issue of Timing, Entry and Performance in the Asia-Pacific LNG Market” (with Michal C. Moore, Roman Karski, Dave Hackett, Leigh Noda, Mark Pilcher). 2014. The School of Public Policy Publications, 7 (July).
We assess the costs associated with liquefied natural gas exports from the B.C. coast, global competition and demand in the Asia-Pacific region for Canadian LNG. Canada has potential as an exporter, but a limited time frame in which to sign contracts and develop facilities.
"Pacific Basin Heavy Oil Refining Capacity" (with Dave Hackett, Susan Grissom, Leigh Noda and Michal C. Moore). 2013. The School of Public Policy Publications, 6 (February).
A survey of coking capacity (as a proxy for heavy oil refining capacity) and the market for heavy oil products in the Pacific Region.
“Size, Role and Performance in the Oil and Gas Sector” (with Robert Mansell, Matt Krzepkowski and Michal C. Moore). 2012. The School of Public Policy Publications, 5 (July).
We examine the relative performance of exploration and production firms in Alberta's oil and gas sector.
Energy Policy
"Making Energy Policy: The Canadian Experience." forthcoming. Invited chapter in Meeting the Paris Mandate: A Cross-national Comparison of Energy Policy-making, Patrice Geoffron, Lorna A. Greening, and Raphael Heffron, Editors. (In press.)
Describes the evolution of Canadian energy policy and the main factors contributing to policy development: the tension between federal and provincial jurisdiction, regional resource endowments, and the proximity of the United States as a trading partner and primary export market.
"A Multiple Account Benefit-Cost Analysis of Coal Mining in Alberta" (with Megan Bailey, Emily Galley, Chris Joseph and Blake Shaffer). The School of Public Policy Publications 14(32). Posted on SSRN.
We examine the positive and negative effects of coal mining in Alberta from a social perspective — that of the province of Alberta rather than the project proponent — using benefit-cost analysis. We find small economic benefits in the form of incremental tax revenues ($440 million, undiscounted dollars) and employment earnings by mineworkers ($35 million, undiscounted dollars). In contrast, costs to Alberta are likely to be significant. These costs come from displacing other economic activity (primarily ranching and tourism); significant and adverse environmental impacts on water, wildlife, vegetation and air; a non-zero probability the province will be responsible for reclamation liabilities; negative social impacts on nearby communities; and interference with Indigenous Peoples’ interests and rights. Overall, we conclude that coal mine development is not likely to be a net benefit to Alberta, and the costs are likely to outweigh the benefits.
"Public-Interest Determination for Infrastructure Development: A Review of Guidance and Practice in Canada" (with Victoria Goodday and Alana Westwood). 2020. March.
Report for a SSHRC Knowledge Synthesis Grant, exploring where and how public interest test provisions for infrastructure approval appear in Canadian statutes and regulations, and how decision-makers (statutory bodies and the courts) have interpreted and applied these provisions in practice.
“Forks in the Road: Energy Policies in Canada and the US since the Shale Revolution” (with J-S Rioux). 2020. American Review of Canadian Studies 50(1), 66-85.
We examine policy responses in Canada and the US to the shale revolution and changing North American oil and gas markets. We outline the effect of the shale revolution on North American oil and gas markets, and how the subsequent energy policy choices in each country changed the relationship between Canada and the US. In the US, increasing production combined with the policy imperative of maintaining energy security led to less support for Canadian supply, and the subsequent on-off-on saga of the Keystone XL pipeline. In Canada, growing concern about the balance between the environment and the economy led to stalled pipeline development and reform of regulatory systems, problems exacerbated by the new policy direction in the US.
"Enabling Partial Upgrading in Alberta: A Review of the Regulatory Framework and Opportunities for Improvement" (with G. Kent Fellows and Victoria Goodday). 2019. The School of Public Policy Publications, 12 (December).
We examine regulation in Alberta's petrochemical and oil and gas industries, in order to identify any potential regulatory gaps associated with partial upgrading of bitumen, a new technology.
"Hydraulic Fracturing and Public Policy" (with Sarah Dobson and Sophie Lorefice). 2016.
Report for a SSHRC Knowledge Synthesis Grant, exploring knowledge gaps in scientific/academic work, grey literature, and policy and regulatory documents related to the costs and benefits of hydraulic fracturing in Canada.
"Energy Projects, Social Licence, Public Acceptance and Regulatory Systems in Canada" (with John Colton, Kenneth Corscadden, Stewart Fast, Monica Gattinger, Joel Gehman, Martha Hall Findlay, Dylan Morgan, Judith Sayers and Adonis Yatchew). 2016. The School of Public Policy Publications, 9 (May).
This white paper reports on the results of a year-long interdisciplinary collaboration aimed at identifying and summarizing extant research regarding social licence and related concepts, with a particular emphasis on understanding its implications for public acceptance of energy projects in Canada, and their related regulatory processes.
"The Future of Energy Regulation and Policy Development: A Summary Paper" (with Shantel Jordison (nee Beach) and Andrew Wilkins). 2014. The School of Public Policy Publications (Summary Paper), 7 (August).
This paper summarizes the discussion and main themes, policy-related implications and observations arising from a symposium on the future of energy regulation in Canada, held in September 2013.
"Grasping at Straws: Comments on the Alberta Pipeline Safety Review." 2013. The School of Public Policy Publications (Communique), 6 (October).
I evaluate thirteen of seventeen recommendations from the "Alberta Pipeline Safety Review" commissioned by the Alberta Government. In general, the recommendations are superficial and of little practical use for improving pipeline safety in Alberta.
Trade and Economic Development
"A Socio-economic Review of the Impacts of Northwest Territories’ Inuvik to Tuktoyaktuk Highway 10" (with Kent Fellows and Alaz Munzur). 2022. Canadian Journal of Regional Science 45(3): 137-149.
We project and investigate the likely socio-economic effects on the community of Tuktoyaktuk from completion of the all-season Highway 10 (the Inuvik-Tuktoyaktuk Highway) in Northwest Territories, Canada. Prior to the highway’s completion, Tuktoyaktuk was connected to the rest of Canada by air, winter road, and the Mackenzie River in summer. We find a statistically strong relationship between remoteness and incomes, suggesting that reduced remoteness from completion of Highway 10 increased incomes.
"Optimal Routing of Wide Multi-Modal Energy and Infrastructure Corridors" (with Mehdi Salamati, Xin Wang, and Hamidreza Zareipour). 2022. International Journal of Geo-Information 11(8):434.
A multi-modal corridor accommodates multiple modes of energy and transportation infrastructure within the same right-of-way. Existing literature on corridor routing in raster space often focuses on one mode with no consideration of the width, an unrealistic assumption. We develop two multi-modal wide-corridor routing methods using raster data. The first method weights and aggregates the cost rasters of all modes into a single composite on which a wide LCP is found. The second method uses a directed transformed graph, calculating the weight of each edge using layers of cost data based on edge direction, the desired widths, and arrangement of the modes. Using synthetic datasets we show superior performance of the second method in (1) finding a multi-modal corridor over the first method, and (2) finding a single-modal corridor when compared to existing methods.
"Alberta in Canada’s Net Zero Future: Seizing Opportunities While Adapting to Change" (with Chris Bataille, Sarah Dobson and Anna Kanduth). 2021. Invited chapter in Alberta’s Economic and Fiscal Future. Robert Mansell and Ken McKenzie, eds. The School of Public Policy, University of Calgary.
We explore what a net zero emissions policy means for Alberta, outlining transition pathways for Alberta along Canada’s net zero pathways, and discuss the challenges and opportunities for Alberta on each of these fronts.
"Fiscal integration with internal trade: Quantifying the effects of federal transfers in Canada" (with Trevor Tombe). 2021. Canadian Journal of Economics 54(2), 522-556. Formerly “What's Inside Counts: Migration, Taxes, and the Internal Gains from Trade”
Costs to trade between regions of Canada are large. We uncover important effects of fiscal transfers on trade flows, specialization patterns, and the gains from trade. In addition, we demonstrate that the effect of transfers on migration is significantly amplified by trade and therefore increases the potentially negative effect of transfers on aggregate GDP and productivity.
Regulation and Regulatory Policy
“If It Matters, Measure It: A Review of Methane Sources and Mitigation Policy in Canada” (with Sarah Dobson and Victoria Goodday). 2023. International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics.
We review the sources of methane emissions in Canada, policies in place, and mitigation options for each source. Three primary sectors account for 96 per cent of Canada’s methane emissions: oil and gas, agriculture, and waste. In a best case scenario, direct regulatory coverage is approximately 54 per cent of methane emissions, with indirect regulatory coverage via offset markets accounting for 18 per cent. However, data gaps and policy exemptions and gaps make this measure of potential coverage an overestimate. Methane emissions management for all sectors is hindered by emissions measurement challenges.
Posted on SSRN.
September 2021 version
"Literature Review of Theories and Concepts related to Environmental Regulation" (with Sarah Dobson, Gregory Galay, Julia Jachimowicz & W. Riley Sample). 2022. Report prepared for the Government of British Columbia, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy.
Provides a knowledge synthesis of the literature on five theories and concepts related to environmental regulation, based on a rapid and targeted review of extant literature. The literature review and synthesis presents evidence on (1) the validity of the Pollution Haven Hypothesis; (2) the validity of the Porter Hypothesis; (3) the value of social licence to operate; (4) trends in responsible investing, and trends in environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing; and (5) anticipated versus realised costs of environmental regulation.
"Public-Interest Determination for Infrastructure Development: A Review of Guidance and Practice in Canada" (with Victoria Goodday and Alana Westwood). 2020. March.
Report for a SSHRC Knowledge Synthesis Grant, exploring where and how public interest test provisions for infrastructure approval appear in Canadian statutes and regulations, and how decision-makers (statutory bodies and the courts) have interpreted and applied these provisions in practice.
“Comprehensive Assessment of Regulatory Programs” (with Akash Asif). 2018. Report to the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat. June.
We provide a knowledge synthesis of best practices in assessing regulation and regulatory programs. First, we describe different levels or scopes of review (reviewing regulatory systems, regulatory bodies, regulatory processes and regulations), then outline principles to help make reviews successful within a chosen scope. Second, we provide a detailed discussion of the experiences of Australia, the European Union and the United States in performing regulatory reviews, outlining the process and outcomes, and present lessons for Canada. Third, we summarize tools to use in horizontal reviews, drawing on the literature examined and by the lessons from jurisdictional case studies.
"Safety in Numbers: Evaluating Canadian Rail Safety Data" 2014. The School of Public Policy Publications (Communique), 7 (April).
I evaluate the state of public available data on rail accidents and incidents in Canada, and conclude the data is not adequate to properly assess rail safety, though one can determine average probabilities of occurrences.
Indigenous Issues
Protest and Partnership: Case Studies of Indigenous Peoples, Consultation and Engagement, and Resource Development in Canada (with Brendan Boyd). 2024. University of Calgary Press.
Co-edited book exploring what leads to the establishment of a mutually beneficial partnership and why do many resource development projects result in protests or legal challenges from Indigenous communities. Contributors include Brendan Boyd, Kirk Cameron, Sophie Lorefice, L. Jane McMillan, Thierry Rodon, Gabrielle Slowey, and Stephen Wyatt.
Intro (with Brendan Boyd)
Chapter 2: Indigenous, Industry and Government Perspectives on Consultation in Resource Development (with Brendan Boyd and Sophie Lorefice)
“Meaningful Engagement of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities in Marine Activities: Phase 2 Analysis” (with Brendan Boyd and Jessie Arthur). 2018. Report to the PAME Working Group of the Arctic Council. March.
We review and analyze 240 publicly available documents that relate to meaningful engagement in Arctic marine and coastal activities, and that are sourced from four actor categories: Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities, governments (Government), private-sector companies (Industry), and the Arctic Council. Themes with keywords are used to explore the concept of meaningful engagement in Arctic communities used by the different actors.
"Indigenous, Industry and Government Perspectives on Consultation in Resource Development" (with Brendan Boyd and Sophie Lorefice). 2017.
Report for a SSHRC Knowledge Synthesis Grant, exploring current understandings and interpretations of engagement and the duty to consult with Indigenous Peoples in the context of resource development in Canada through analysis of public available documents on consultation and engagement from Indigenous groups, governments and industry.
Energy Literacy
“Aboriginal-Canadians and Energy Literacy: A Survey of Opinions and Thoughts on Energy” (with Andre Turcotte and Michal C. Moore). 2014. The School of Public Policy Publications, 7 (February).
We survey Aboriginal-Canadians on their knowledge of and opinions on energy. This survey reveals their knowledge and opinions about Canada’s energy system are similar to that of Canadians polled in previous surveys. Aboriginal-Canadians place less trust in business, industry groups and the government as reliable sources of information about energy issues.
"Energy and Energy Literacy in Canada: A Survey of Business and Policy Leadership" (with Michal C. Moore, Andre Turcotte and Bernie Walp). 2013. The School of Public Policy Publications, 6 (February).
Results from a Canada-wide survey of business and policy leaders on their attitudes about and knowledge of energy. The survey revealed thought leaders have knowledge levels very similar to the Canadian public, and there is a clear preference for more planning and systematically adapting to changing energy markets and environmental conditions through the development of some form of public policy energy strategies.
"Energy Literacy in Canada" (with Andre Turcotte and Michal C. Moore). 2012. The School of Public Policy Publications, 5 (October).
Results from a Canada-wide survey about energy literacy. The survey revealed Canadians have a good general knowledge of energy use and relative cost but lack detailed knowledge about sources of energy fuels, as well as sources and linkages with environmental impacts.