Publications By Topic

Emissions Markets and Pricing

"From Farms to Tables: Quantifying the Effect of Emissions Pricing on Canadian Food Prices" (with Trevor Tombe). 2025 (in press). Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics.

"Does Emissions Pricing Hurt Affordability? Quantifying the Effects on Canadian Households" (with Trevor Tombe). IRPP. December 12, 2024.

"Geopolitical Implications of the EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism" (with Alaz Munzur and Katharina Koch). 2023. Chapter 9 in Changing the Paradigm of Energy Geopolitics: Security, Resources and Pathways in Light of Global Challenges, João Simões, Francisco Leandro, Eduardo Caetano de Sousa and Roopinder Oberoi, eds. Peter Lang Publishers. ISBN: 9781433191350.

"Carbon Pricing Costs for Households and the Progressivity of Revenue Recycling Options in Canada" (with Brett Dolter and Kent Fellows). 2023, Canadian Public Policy 49(1): 13-45.

Emissions Markets and International Trade.” 2022. Invited chapter in Energy and Geostrategy, 9th Edition. Ministerio De Defensa Press, Spain.

"Carbon Pricing in a Federal State: The Case of Canada."  2020. ifo DICE Report - Journal for Institutional Comparisons. 18(1): 13-19

"The Greenhouse Gas Emissions Coverage of Carbon Pricing Instruments for Canadian Provinces" (with Sarah Dobson and Brendan Boyd). 2019. The School of Public Policy Publications, 12 (February).

"Assessing Policy Support for Emissions-Intensive and Trade-Exposed Industries" (with Sarah Dobson). 2018. The School of Public Policy Publications, 11 (October).

The Ground Rules for Effective OBAs: Principles for Addressing Carbon-Pricing Competitiveness Concerns through the Use of Output-Based Allocations” (with Sarah Dobson, G. Kent Fellows and Trevor Tombe). 2017. The School of Public Policy Publications, 10 (June).

"Who Is Getting A Carbon-Tax Rebate?" (with Sarah Dobson). 2016. The School of Public Policy Publications (Communique), 9 (June).

"Environmental Policy and Misallocation: The Productivity Effect of Intensity Standards" (with Trevor Tombe). 2015. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 72: 137-163, July .

The Case for a Carbon Tax in Alberta” (with Sarah Dobson). 2015. The School of Public Policy Publications, 8 (November).

"The Importance of Policy Neutrality for Lowering Greenhouse Gas Emissions" (with Trevor Tombe). 2013. The School of Public Policy Publications, 6 (March). 

Climate Policy

"From Farms to Tables: Quantifying the Effect of Emissions Pricing on Canadian Food Prices" (with Trevor Tombe). 2025 (in press). Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics.

"Does Emissions Pricing Hurt Affordability? Quantifying the Effects on Canadian Households" (with Trevor Tombe). IRPP. December 12, 2024.

"Exploring the Landscape of Canadian Climate Policy." 2024. Canadian Public Policy 50 (S1): 73-102.

"Geopolitical Implications of the EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism" (with Alaz Munzur and Katharina Koch). 2023. Chapter 9 in Changing the Paradigm of Energy Geopolitics: Security, Resources and Pathways in Light of Global Challenges, João Simões, Francisco Leandro, Eduardo Caetano de Sousa and Roopinder Oberoi, eds. Peter Lang Publishers. ISBN: 9781433191350.

If It Matters, Measure It: A Review of Methane Sources and Mitigation Policy in Canada” (with Sarah Dobson and Victoria Goodday). 2023. International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics

"Cities, Emissions and Mitigating Climate Change." 2022. Who Does What Series: The Municipal Role in Climate Policy, Institute for Municipal Finance and Governance, University of Toronto.

"Alberta in Canada’s Net Zero Future: Seizing Opportunities While Adapting to Change" (with Chris Bataille, Sarah Dobson and Anna Kanduth). 2021. Invited chapter in Alberta’s Economic and Fiscal Future. Robert Mansell and Ken McKenzie, eds. The School of Public Policy, University of Calgary.

"A Review of Barriers to Full-Scale Deployment of Emissions-Reduction Technologies" (with G. Kent Fellows and Victoria Goodday). 2021. The School of Public Policy Publications.

"Carbon Pricing in a Federal State: The Case of Canada."  2020. ifo DICE Report - Journal for Institutional Comparisons. 18(1), 13-19

"Environmental Policy Transformations and Canada at 150.” 2019. Invited chapter in Policy Transformation in Canada: Is Past Prologue?, Peter John Loewen, Carolyn Hughes Tuohy, Andrew Potter and Sophie Borwein, eds.

"Environmental Policy and Misallocation: The Productivity Effect of Intensity Standards" (with Trevor Tombe). 2015. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 72: 137-163, July .

"The "Green Jobs" Fantasy: Why the Economic and Environmental Reality Can Never Live Up to the Political Promise" (with Michal C. Moore). 2013. The School of Public Policy Publications, 6 (October).

"The Importance of Policy Neutrality for Lowering Greenhouse Gas Emissions" (with Trevor Tombe). 2013. The School of Public Policy Publications, 6 (March). 

Energy Affordability

"Does Emissions Pricing Hurt Affordability? Quantifying the Effects on Canadian Households" (with Trevor Tombe). IRPP. December 12, 2024.

"Carbon Pricing Costs for Households and the Progressivity of Revenue Recycling Options in Canada" (with Brett Dolter and Kent Fellows). 2023, Canadian Public Policy 49(1): 13-45.

"Electricity Affordability and Equity in Canada's Energy Transition: Options for Rate Design and Electricity System Funding" (with Brett Dolter). 2022. Scoping paper, Canadian Climate Institute. (Not peer reviewed.)

"Defining and Describing Energy Poverty in British Columbia: The Distribution of Households' Energy Expenditure"  (with Blake Shaffer). 2020. Report prepared for the BC Basic Income Panel. December.

Energy (mainly oil and gas) Markets

An Analysis of Industrial Policy Mechanisms to Support Commercial Deployment of Bitumen Partial Upgrading in Alberta” (with G. Kent Fellows and Alaz Munzur). 2023. Energies 16(6), 2670.

"Production Controls in Heavy Oil and Bitumen Markets: Surplus Transfer Due to Alberta’s Curtailment Policy" (with Brandon Schaufele). 2023. Energies 16(3): 1389.

"A Review and Assessment of the Natural Gas Royalty System in British Columbia" (with Nancy Olewiler).  2021. Report prepared for the Government of British Columbia.

"An Analysis of Industrial Policy Mechanisms to Support Commercial Deployment of Bitumen Partial Upgrading in Alberta" (with G. Kent Fellows & Alaz Munzur). 2021. Report prepared for Alberta Innovates.

"Measuring the Economic Impact of Alberta’s Crude Oil Curtailment Policy" (with Brandon Schaufele). 2021. Ivey Energy Policy and Management Centre Policy Brief.

Forks in the Road: Energy Policies in Canada and the US since the Shale Revolution” (with J-S Rioux). 2020. American Review of Canadian Studies 50(1), 66-85.

"Enabling Partial Upgrading in Alberta: A Review of the Regulatory Framework and Opportunities for Improvement" (with G. Kent Fellows and Victoria Goodday). 2019. The School of Public Policy Publications, 12 (December).

“Canada’s Role in Global Energy Markets.” 2019. Invited chapter in Energy and Geostrategy, 6th Edition.

"The Potential for Canadian LNG Exports to Europe" (with Sarah Dobson, G. Kent Fellows, Dexter Lam and Paul Craig). 2018. The School of Public Policy Publications, 11 (July).

"Public-Interest Benefit Evaluation of Partial-Upgrading Technology" (with G. Kent Fellows, Robert Mansell and Ron Schlenker). 2017. The School of Public Policy Publications, 10 (January).

"An Overview of Global Liquefied Natural Gas Markets and Implications for Canada" (with Sarah Dobson, G. Kent Fellows, Dexter Lam and Paul Craig). 2018. The School of Public Policy Publications (Briefing Paper), 11 (July).

Risky Business: The Issue of Timing, Entry and Performance in the Asia-Pacific LNG Market” (with Michal C. Moore, Roman Karski, Dave Hackett, Leigh Noda, Mark Pilcher). 2014. The School of Public Policy Publications, 7 (July).

"Pacific Basin Heavy Oil Refining Capacity" (with Dave Hackett, Susan Grissom, Leigh Noda and Michal C. Moore). 2013. The School of Public Policy Publications, 6 (February).

Size, Role and Performance in the Oil and Gas Sector” (with Robert Mansell, Matt Krzepkowski and Michal C. Moore). 2012. The School of Public Policy Publications, 5 (July).

Energy Policy

"Making Energy Policy: The Canadian Experience." forthcoming. Invited chapter in Meeting the Paris Mandate: A Cross-national Comparison of Energy Policy-making, Patrice Geoffron, Lorna A. Greening, and Raphael Heffron, Editors. (In press.)

"A Multiple Account Benefit-Cost Analysis of Coal Mining in Alberta" (with Megan Bailey, Emily Galley, Chris Joseph and Blake Shaffer). The School of Public Policy Publications 14(32). Posted on SSRN.

"Public-Interest Determination for Infrastructure Development: A Review of Guidance and Practice in Canada" (with Victoria Goodday and Alana Westwood). 2020. March.

Forks in the Road: Energy Policies in Canada and the US since the Shale Revolution” (with J-S Rioux). 2020. American Review of Canadian Studies 50(1), 66-85.

"Enabling Partial Upgrading in Alberta: A Review of the Regulatory Framework and Opportunities for Improvement" (with G. Kent Fellows and Victoria Goodday). 2019. The School of Public Policy Publications, 12 (December).

"Hydraulic Fracturing and Public Policy" (with Sarah Dobson and Sophie Lorefice). 2016. 

"Energy Projects, Social Licence, Public Acceptance and Regulatory Systems in Canada" (with John Colton, Kenneth Corscadden, Stewart Fast, Monica Gattinger, Joel Gehman, Martha Hall Findlay, Dylan Morgan, Judith Sayers and Adonis Yatchew). 2016. The School of Public Policy Publications, 9 (May).

"The Future of Energy Regulation and Policy Development: A Summary Paper" (with Shantel Jordison (nee Beach) and Andrew Wilkins). 2014. The School of Public Policy Publications (Summary Paper), 7 (August).

"Grasping at Straws: Comments on the Alberta Pipeline Safety Review." 2013. The School of Public Policy Publications (Communique), 6 (October).

Trade and Economic Development

"A Socio-economic Review of the Impacts of Northwest Territories’ Inuvik to Tuktoyaktuk Highway 10" (with Kent Fellows and Alaz Munzur).  2022. Canadian Journal of Regional Science 45(3): 137-149.

"Optimal Routing of Wide Multi-Modal Energy and Infrastructure Corridors" (with Mehdi Salamati, Xin Wang, and Hamidreza Zareipour). 2022. International Journal of Geo-Information 11(8):434.

"Alberta in Canada’s Net Zero Future: Seizing Opportunities While Adapting to Change" (with Chris Bataille, Sarah Dobson and Anna Kanduth). 2021. Invited chapter in Alberta’s Economic and Fiscal Future. Robert Mansell and Ken McKenzie, eds. The School of Public Policy, University of Calgary.

"Fiscal integration with internal trade: Quantifying the effects of federal transfers in Canada" (with Trevor Tombe). 2021. Canadian Journal of Economics 54(2), 522-556. Formerly “What's Inside Counts: Migration, Taxes, and the Internal Gains from Trade”

Regulation and Regulatory Policy

 “If It Matters, Measure It: A Review of Methane Sources and Mitigation Policy in Canada” (with Sarah Dobson and Victoria Goodday). 2023. International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics

"Literature Review of Theories and Concepts related to Environmental Regulation" (with Sarah Dobson, Gregory Galay, Julia Jachimowicz & W. Riley Sample). 2022. Report prepared for the Government of British Columbia, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy.

"Public-Interest Determination for Infrastructure Development: A Review of Guidance and Practice in Canada" (with Victoria Goodday and Alana Westwood). 2020. March.

Comprehensive Assessment of Regulatory Programs” (with Akash Asif). 2018. Report to the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat. June.

"Safety in Numbers: Evaluating Canadian Rail Safety Data" 2014. The School of Public Policy Publications (Communique), 7 (April).

Indigenous Issues

Protest and Partnership: Case Studies of Indigenous Peoples, Consultation and Engagement, and Resource Development in Canada (with Brendan Boyd). 2024. University of Calgary Press.

“Meaningful Engagement of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities in Marine Activities: Phase 2 Analysis” (with Brendan Boyd and Jessie Arthur). 2018. Report to the PAME Working Group of the Arctic Council. March.

"Indigenous, Industry and Government Perspectives on Consultation in Resource Development" (with Brendan Boyd and Sophie Lorefice). 2017. 

Energy Literacy

Aboriginal-Canadians and Energy Literacy: A Survey of Opinions and Thoughts on Energy” (with Andre Turcotte and Michal C. Moore). 2014. The School of Public Policy Publications, 7 (February).

"Energy and Energy Literacy in Canada: A Survey of Business and Policy Leadership" (with Michal C. Moore, Andre Turcotte and Bernie Walp). 2013. The School of Public Policy Publications, 6 (February).

"Energy Literacy in Canada" (with Andre Turcotte and Michal C. Moore). 2012. The School of Public Policy Publications, 5 (October).